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Top 5 Lead Generation Tools

Jared Broussard • July 30, 2020

Lead generation is essential for finding success in sales. Understanding how your prospective customers and clients prefer to communicate can be a challenge. However, there are platforms and technologies out there that can amplify and magnify your outreach and conversion efforts. Offering a variety of communication and conversion options can dramatically improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing. But how exactly do you do that?

In this episode of ThinkJargon, Jared and Stuart break down their top 5 lead generation tools. What makes a lead generation tool helpful? How can lead generation tools augment your current marketing strategy? Can lead generation tools help you define an ROI on your marketing efforts? These topics, and more are covered in detail in episode 18. Here are a couple of the tools discussed.

  • Call Tracking – Discover if the phone calls you are receiving can be attributed to your website.
  • Chat – You can provide instantaneous feedback to your visitors via a typing/texting platform. Engage with your potential customers on their time to find the solution that they are looking for.

To find the full list and to listen to episode of 18 of ThinkJargon – “Top 5 Lead Generation Tools” – click the button below, or search for ThinkJargon on your favorite podcast app.   

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